2025 Winter Marketplace for Schools & Agents  •  February 7-8-9, 2025  •  London, England
2025 Fall Marketplace for Schools & Agents  •  October 3-4-5, 2025  •  London, England



Each year, NABSW's philanthropic arm chooses to help children in the world who are less fortunate than our own. In the past five years, funds have been sent to schools in Sierra Leone, South Africa, Uganda, Malawi, Turkey (for Syrian children), India, and Dominica.

In 2015-6, our nominated charity was UNICEF, and monies were ring-fenced to support efforts to help children caught up in the Syrian conflict, and to provide emergency relief for vulnerable child refugees in the mass migration to Europe. Funds were also sent to refugee camps in Turkey to support ‘Education Versus Lost Generation.’

In 2016-7, NABSW made a donation to the IECA Foundation, based in Fairfax, VA, supporting pragmatic, measurable results for young people whose educational needs are not often met, helping them forge pathways to success.

In 2017-18 funds were sent to ‘Children in Need’ for those devistated by the floods in Kerala, India and to Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh, as well as supporting the efforts of British dentists venturing in rural Africa to combat tooth dental disorders in Children.

Total donations to date amount to $45,000.

Thank you for your ongoing support of NABSW philanthropy.

E Mary Danby
E Mary Danby

Projects we have recently helped...

Dominica Dominica, Caribbean: Relief from Hurricane Maria

The W S Stevens Primary School was extensively damaged during Hurricane Maria in 2017. Funds will contribute to the renovation and refurbishment of the school buildings, ensuring the children's speedy return to education.

Kerala, India: Hope Community Village

Hope community village offers long-term family care to parent-less children by giving them a loving home with mother, family and education.


Malawi, Africa: Warmheart DentAid

Local UK dentists and teams anually travel to rural Africa to relieve pain and teach preventative tooth decay measures.

Mumbai, India: Mahila Vidya Mandir School

NABSW has supported primary education providing a television and a DVD player, tables and chairs, educational toys as well as crayons and colouring books.

Uganda Uganda Uganda: Orphanage/Education

The Chellaston Academy Uganda Project, now in its seventh year has purchased, renovated and now maintains an orphanage in Kampala for 83 former street children.

The property is entirely owned by the school’s Board of Governors and is maintained each year by the fundraising undertaken by the school's pupils and partner companies such as Deloitte and the Bank of Scotland.

It is run on a daily basis by six volunteers who dedicate their life to helping these children survive the harsh realities of East African life.

Turkey: Education for Syrian children

Education versus Lost Generation
In order to improve their Turkish skills and to support their continuation of education of migrant children, an Activity Class was needed. The activities consist of counselling, orientation, and integration studies, including a Turkish course. The classroom is divided into two. In one half, families are given counselling services while their tiny children can play in the other half of the classroom.


South Africa
South Africa
South Africa: Rotary Bread Fund

The Bread Fund is a Rotary charity to help Zulu children in the Drakensberg Mountains of KwaZulu Natal. Its purpose was to ensure that pre-school and crèche children have a highly nutritious breakfast, as a good start to their days, when they might otherwise have gone hungry. Other education-related needs are now being met, which include the provision of new school buildings and playground equipment, and improving existing learning environments by providing bright and user-friendly classrooms and equipment. Access to clean water and sanitation for the children and staff was a crucial issue to ensure the health of all involved, and also to safeguard the smallest children from falling and drowning. The program also oversees the distribution of warm clothing for children in the winter months. Over 400 children are currently receiving education in 13 pre-schools and crèches.

Sierra Leone: ActionAid

The project is constructing a six classroom school, toilets and a well in the Rosint community, Bombali district, Sierra Leone and provides funding for teaching and community engagement to run the school.

This project ensures over 250 girls and boys complete three years of junior secondary school, allowing them to sit exams and progress to senior secondary school. With a working life of 20 years, the project has the potential to help thousands of children and their families out of poverty.

This project will also meet Working Community's aim of providing an opportunity to 'give something back' to others in need.

Working Community
USA USA: IECA Foundation

In 2016-7, mindful that charity begins at home, NABSW will be donating to the IECA Foundation, based in Fairfax, VA, supporting pragmatic, measurable results for young people whose educational needs are not often met, helping them forge pathways to success. IECA Funds are directed to educational programs, great in variety, to promote and continue education to, typically, underprivileged children and adolescents.

End Polio Now: Rotary International's key charity

Rotary has been working to eradicate polio for more than 30 years, and have made incredible progress in the fight to rid the world of it forever. As a founding partner of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, they've helped to reduced polio cases by more than 99.9 percent. It's crucial to eliminate polio from the last three countries where it remains endemic and to keep other countries polio-free. If all eradication efforts stopped today, within 10 years, polio could paralyze as many as 200,000 children each year. Every £1 raised by Rotary is matched by £2 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This gives a bigger bang for individuals' charity bucks.

Cancer Research UK

Cancer Research UK is a cancer research and awareness charity which aims to reduce the number of deaths from cancer. As the world's largest independent cancer research charity it conducts research into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Research activities are carried out in institutes, universities and hospitals across the UK, both by the charity's own employees and by its grant-funded researchers. It also provides information about cancer and runs campaigns aimed at raising awareness of the disease and influencing public policy. NABSW has made donations to the charity through direct donation, as well as through sponsorship of other fund-raisers, and hospices supporting cancer patients.

Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan Cancer Support is one of the largest British charities and provides specialist health care, information and financial support to people affected by cancer. It also looks at the social, emotional and practical impact cancer can have, and campaigns for better cancer care. Macmillan Cancer Support's goal is to reach and improve the lives of everyone living with cancer in the UK. NABSW has supported this most dedicated of charities, to support patients in the last chapter of their lives with comfort and dignity, and the families who are caring for them.